Picnic LNCT World School’s Educational Excursion to Amritsar Golden Temple and Wagah Border 

Picnic LNCT World School’s Educational Excursion to Amritsar Golden Temple and Wagah Border 

Exploring Culture and History: LNCT World School’s Educational Excursion to Amritsar Golden Temple and Wagah Border At LNCT World School, we are dedicated to not only fostering academic excellence but also to promoting a deeper understanding and appreciation of our rich culture and history. In keeping with this philosophy, our students and teachers recently participated in an educational trip to Amritsar, Punjab. During this trip, they had the opportunity to visit the renowned Golden Temple and experience the captivating ceremony at Wagah Border. We would like to express our sincere appreciation to the faculty, staff, and organizers who played a crucial role in making this educational excursion a great success. This experience has not only enriched the lives of our students but has also strengthened our commitment to providing a well-rounded education at LNCT World School. Here’s to many more enlightening journeys of exploration and learning in the future! LNCTWorldSchool, EducationalExcursion, CulturalExploration, GoldenTemple, WagahBorder, ExperientialLearning, ProudMoments, HolisticEducation

Inter House Football Competition & Athletic Meet: Medal and Certificate Distribution

 LNCT World School – Inter House Football Competition & Athletic Meet: Medal and Certificate Distribution As the echoes of cheers from the Inter House Football Competition and Athletic Meet at LNCT World School, Bhopal still linger, it’s time to honor and recognize the outstanding achievements of our remarkable participants! The culmination of weeks of hard work, dedication, and spirited competition will be marked by the distribution of medals. Witness the joy and pride as our talented athletes receive their well-deserved medals for exceptional performances. InterHouseSports, AthleticAchievements, MedalDistribution, OutstandingPerformances, LNCTWorldSchool

LNCT World School, Bhopal, hosted a mesmerizing Fun Food and Cultural Fiesta

LNCT World School, Bhopal, hosted a mesmerizing Fun Food and Cultural Fiesta

LNCT World School, Bhopal, hosted a mesmerizing Fun Food and Cultural Fiesta to commemorate the auspicious occasion of Founder’s day, in honor of the birth anniversary of our beloved Chairman, Shri Jai Narain Chouksey Ji. The event was graced by the esteemed presence of our management Shri Jai Narain Chouksey Ji, along with Smt. Poonam Chouksey Ji, Dr. Anupam Chouksey Ji, Dr. Shweta Chouksey Ji, and Smt. Poojashree Chouksey Ji. The atmosphere at LNCT World School was filled with excitement as students showcased their talents through captivating dance performances, adding to the festive spirit of the occasion.LNCTWorldSchool, education, school,FounderDay, CelebrationTime, TalentShowcase, LNCTPride, CulturalFiesta

Today, 30 Jan, we organized Shahid Diwas at LNC T Word School.

Today, 30 Jan, we organized Shahid Diwas at LNC T Word School.

शहीद – दिवस आज, दिनांक 30/01/24, एल एन सी टी वर्ड स्कूल में हमने शहीद दिवस का आयोजन किया। यह एक ऐतिहासिक दिन है, जब हम सभी मिलकर महात्मा गांधी जी की पुण्यतिथि को शहीद दिवस के रूप में मनाते हैं। इस अद्भुत उत्सव की शुरुआत हुई प्रिय प्रधानाचार्य श्री चैतन्य सक्सेना जी के साथ, जिन्होंने महात्मा गांधी जी के बलिदान को याद करते हुए हमारे वीर जवानों को श्रद्धांजलि अर्पित की। इसके साथ ही, हमारे छात्र-छात्राएं ने भाषण और कविताओं के माध्यम से सभी भारतीय शहीद जवानों को याद किया और उनके साहस और बलिदान को सलामी दी। “भारत मां के लाल, तूने फर्ज अपना अदा किया, जान हथेली पर लेकर, दुश्मन का चीर सीना दिया। देश को ये कर्ज देकर, गहरी नींद सो गए, फिर से वीर भारत मां की शहीद हो गए।” आइए, हम सभी मिलकर इन महान आत्माओं को समर्पित करें और उनके साहसी पराक्रम की याद में एक सशक्त भारत की दिशा में प्रतिबद्ध हों। जय हिंद, जय भारत! शहीददिवस, जयहिंद, जयभार, LNCTWorldSchool, education, school

FOREST OF LIFE @Asim Premji University

FOREST OF LIFE @Asim Premji University

 FOREST OF LIFE @Asim Premji University FORESTS ARE LANDSCAPE OF MAGIC & WONDER To celebrated the many forms of the forest, VI, VII, VIII classes of LNCT WORLDSCHOOL entered into a magical world of a forest exhibition on 20/1/24 @ASIM PREMJI UNIVERSITY, KANHA SAIYA, NEW BYPASS ROAD. Explored the enchanting realms of nature and biodiversity. Stay tuned for glimpses of this mesmerizing journey into the heart of the Forest of Life! ForestMagic, AsimPremjiUniversity, NatureWonders,  LNCTWorldSchool, MagicalWorl ForestCelebration, StudentExpo, ClassroomExperience, WonderfulWorld, AsimPremjiUniversityEvent

LNCT WORLD SCHOOL performed creative activity. Grade 1 and 2 students were engaged in KITE MAKING ACTIVITY

LNCT WORLD SCHOOL performed creative activity. Grade 1 and 2 students were engaged in KITE MAKING ACTIVITY

 MAKAR SANKRANTI ACTIVITY Festivals have always been a time of togetherness, where we come together to enjoy the festive spirit.On the occasion of Makar Sankranti, the students of LNCT WORLD SCHOOL performed creative activity. Grade 1 and 2 students were engaged in KITE MAKING ACTIVITY showcasing their creativity which fosters the artistic expression and cultural understanding among students. Here is a glimpse of the activity! LNCTWorldSchool, MakarSankranti, KiteMaking, ArtisticExpression, CulturalUnderstanding, FestiveSpirit, Grade1and2, KiteFlying, CreativeActivity, education, school

LNCT WORLD SCHOOL BHOPAL organised celebration on the occasion of LOHRI and MAKAR SANKRANTI

LNCT WORLD SCHOOL BHOPAL organised celebration on the occasion of LOHRI and MAKAR SANKRANTI

Cultural celebrations are held across many states of India under different names: Makar Sankranti, Pongal, Magh Bihu and Lohri.The day is a marker for a change of season – warmer months are close and we are moving away from winter, which is seen as a period of inactivity in many ways.On Monday 15 January 2024 LNCT WORLD SCHOOL BHOPAL organised celebration on the occasion of LOHRI and MAKAR SANKRANTI. It was a testament to the school’s commitment to fostering cultural awareness and engaging learning experiences. Through a blend of decoration, traditional attire, dance performance and craft activities. The celebration succeeded in imparting the essence and significance of festival to the young minds, fostering a spirit of unity and cultural appreciation. MakarSankranti, Pongal, Lohri, CulturalCelebration, IndianFestivals, FestivalSpirit, LNCTWorldSchool, FestiveLearning, educational, school

The students of class IX has performed an assembly on the occassion of Christmas.

The students of class IX has performed an assembly on the occassion of Christmas.

LNCT World School, Bhopal The students of class IX has performed an assembly on the occassion of Christmas.Filled with love, joy and happiness. Adorable dance performance with a charming Santa Claus who ended the assembly in the best possible manner.