World Environment Day LNCT WORLD SCHOOL Nursery to KG II

5th June 2024
LNCT WORLD SCHOOL has decided to inculcate students of Nursery to KG II with importance of  Environment and its care and celebrate a week dedicated to Environment.
“On World Environment Day, let’s pledge to nurture nature so that our forests grow denser, air gets purer and oceans teem with life. “
Day1: Adopt Sustainable Food System
Students on an online platform were explained the meaning of sustainability by the teachers and its importance ,students enjoyed with the session and its activities.
Day 2: Reduce E-waste
Students with the help of teachers cracked the code of E-waste and understood how to reduce it with full zeel.
The continuous process of educating and learning by doing was adopted by the teachers and students enjoyed the learning and the curious minds of our little minds were ignited with the new light  of knowledge.
LNCTWorldSchool, EnvironmentalEducation, WorldEnvironmentDay, NurtureNature, SustainableLiving, EcoEducation, SustainableFuture, EwasteReduction, GreenEducation, LearningByDoing, CuriousMinds