Summer, pool, healthy drinks, friends around all set to go for a pool party day.  Let’s splash in the pool and enjoy the game. Venue: LNCT WORLD SCHOOL, BHOPAL

Summer, pool, healthy drinks, friends around all set to go for a pool party day.
Let’s splash in the pool and enjoy the game.
 We believe in making kids fall in love with school and feel a school a happy place to be and make memories, cause when they accept it then they begin to learn more.
So, let’s all cherish and enjoy the day totally and welcome summer with open heart as every season has its own role to play and we educated children to enjoy every season and learn its importance.
SummerSplash, PoolParty, HealthyDrinks, FriendsAndFun, LNCTWorldSchool, CherishTheDay,
poolparty, pool, summer, party, poolside, pooltime, swimmingpoo,l swimming, poolday