Mr.Chetanya Saxena who has also been awarded as the BEST LEADERSHIP AWARD by MIMAMSA: A Principal’s conclave, Madhya Pradesh

Kudos to the LNCT WORLD SCHOOL family another feather attached to the crown  as LNCT WORLD SCHOOL, BHOPAL has been awarded as the most eco-friendly school of BHOPAL region, this has all been possible by the continuous guidance of our unmatched leader *Mr.Chetanya Saxena who has also been awarded as the BEST LEADERSHIP AWARD by MIMAMSA: A Principal’s conclave, Madhya Pradesh as on 20th January 2024 , MIMAMSA means”reflection” or ” critical investigation” and these are the outrageous qualities of a great leader which stands true for our Principal sir, it is rightly said
” leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality.” and we at LNCT WORLD SCHOOL witness this all throughout in our Principal sir.
Heartious Congratulations sir and to all of us for the glorious honour, sir keep inspiring us and strive us forward towards Onwards and Upwards.
EcoFriendlySchool, LeadershipAward, BestLeadership, MIMAMSA, PrincipalConclave, BhopalEducation, LeadershipExcellence, AwardWinningSchool, Kudo LeadershipInspiratio ChetanyaSaxena, Congratulations, PrincipalLeadership, EducationMilestone

2 thoughts on “Mr.Chetanya Saxena who has also been awarded as the BEST LEADERSHIP AWARD by MIMAMSA: A Principal’s conclave, Madhya Pradesh”

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