LNCT World School ensures that the learning English language

LNCT World School ensures that the learning English language

LNCT World School ensures that the learning English language is not merely based on textbooks but also focused on four main LSRW Skills, which is an indispensable part of English language. Listening skill is crucial in mastering the English language. They encompass various elements that contribute to effective communication . “The art of conversation lies in listening.” – Malcom Forbes.

The Japanese Encephalitis (JE) Vaccine Drive at LNCT World School

The Japanese Encephalitis (JE) Vaccine Drive at LNCT World School

 The Japanese Encephalitis (JE) Vaccine Drive at LNCT World School LNCT World School is proud to announce the successful completion of the Japanese Encephalitis (JE) Vaccine Drive, aimed at safeguarding the health and well-being of our students. At LNCT World School, the health and safety of our students are of paramount importance, and initiatives like the JE Vaccine Drive underscore our commitment to providing a conducive environment for learning and growth. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all those who contributed to the success of this campaign, including our dedicated healthcare partners and the supportive LNCT community. Together, we take proactive steps towards ensuring the well-being of our students and fostering a culture of health and resilience within our school community.

LNCT World School, Bhopal Stands United Against Malaria!

LNCT World School, Bhopal Stands United Against Malaria!

 LNCT World School, Bhopal Stands United Against Malaria! We came together in solidarity to commemorate World Malaria Day with a special assembly dedicated to raising awareness and taking action against this preventable disease. With heartfelt speeches, informative presentations, and engaging activities, we emphasized the importance of malaria prevention, early diagnosis, and effective treatment.  Together, we reaffirmed our commitment to promoting health and well-being in our community and beyond. A sincere thank you to all students, teachers, and staff for their active participation and unwavering support in making this assembly a meaningful and impactful event.

Billabong vs. L.N.C.T. World School Boys Inter Junior Championship at Barkatullah University Ground

Billabong vs. L.N.C.T. World School Boys Inter Junior Championship at Barkatullah University Ground

Boys Inter Junior Championship at Barkatullah University Ground, presented by the Physical Welfare Society – Billabong vs. L.N.C.T. World School Showdown! The Stage is Set: Billabong vs. L.N.C.T. World School As the anticipation reaches a fever pitch, the spotlight falls on the fierce competition between Billabong and L.N.C.T. World School. These two powerhouse teams, each with their unique strengths and strategies, are poised to deliver a spectacle that will leave spectators on the edge of their seats. let’s celebrated the power of sports to unite communities, inspire young athletes, and create memories that will last a lifetime. school, education,  student, sports, community, memorie

LNCTIANS who participated in various competitions at ICAR – Indian Institute of Soil Science, Bhopal

LNCTIANS who participated in various competitions at ICAR – Indian Institute of Soil Science, Bhopal

We would like to extend our heartfelt appreciation to all LNCTIANS who participated in various competitions at ICAR – Indian Institute of Soil Science, Bhopal, who has organized A National Campaign on Soil Health Management and Compositing under Mission LiFE which means Life Style for Environment. Your dedication, enthusiasm, and we were thoroughly impressed by the caliber of submissions and the level of creativity demonstrated by each participants. LNCT World School applauds Master Mandeep Singh of Class 9 for winning second prize in Quiz competition. Heartiest congratulations to all the participants.

Summer, pool, healthy drinks, friends around all set to go for a pool party day.  Let’s splash in the pool and enjoy the game. Venue: LNCT WORLD SCHOOL, BHOPAL

Summer, pool, healthy drinks, friends around all set to go for a pool party day.  Let’s splash in the pool and enjoy the game. Venue: LNCT WORLD SCHOOL, BHOPAL

Summer, pool, healthy drinks, friends around all set to go for a pool party day. Let’s splash in the pool and enjoy the game. Venue: LNCT WORLD SCHOOL, BHOPAL  We believe in making kids fall in love with school and feel a school a happy place to be and make memories, cause when they accept it then they begin to learn more. So, let’s all cherish and enjoy the day totally and welcome summer with open heart as every season has its own role to play and we educated children to enjoy every season and learn its importance. SummerSplash, PoolParty, HealthyDrinks, FriendsAndFun, LNCTWorldSchool, CherishTheDay, poolparty, pool, summer, party, poolside, pooltime, swimmingpoo,l swimming, poolday

CCA organised by English Club an inter house for classes VI -VIII

CCA organised by English Club an inter house for classes VI -VIII

CCA Activity (VI to VIII) CCA organised by English Club an inter house for classes VI -VIII, topic is Self Introduction. It helps other people to know about your identity, personality and other essential things related to you. There was something for everyone to enhance literary inquisitiveness. In junior category VI A and B Deodhar house bagged the first prize and Gulmohar house got second . In senior by category i. e VII-VIII Gulmohar house bagged first prize and Rudraksh house got second. Hearty congratulations to all winning houses. #SelfIntroduction LiteraryInquisitiveness, InterHouseCompetition, DeodharHouse, GulmoharHouse, RudrakshHouse, WinningHouses

CCA English Club IX-X) Event

CCA English Club IX-X) Event

CCA English Club IX-X) Event: Extempore The objective of organizing an extempore competition for classes 9 and 10 is to provide students with a platform to enhance their communication skills, critical thinking abilities, and spontaneity. It encourages them to express their ideas coherently within a limited timeframe, preparing them for real-life situations where quick responses are essential.

Kanya Bhojan on Ashtami Tithi in LNCT World School

Kanya Bhojan on Ashtami Tithi in LNCT World School

एलएनसीटी वर्ल्ड स्कूल में अष्टमी तिथि में कन्या भोजन का आयोजन और श्रीमती पूजाश्री चौकसे मैडम द्वारा प्रसाद वितरण वन्दे वाञ्छितलाभाय चन्द्रार्धकृतशेखराम्। वृषारूढां शूलधरां शैलपुत्रीं यशस्विनीम्॥ एलएनसीटी वर्ल्ड स्कूल में हर वर्ष अष्टमी तिथि का उत्सव एक विशेष रूप से मनाया गया। इस उत्सव में कन्या भोजन का आयोजन भी किया गया। इस उत्सव के दौरान, मैडम ने न केवल छात्रों को सम्मानित किया है, बल्कि उन्होंने उन्हें धार्मिकता और संस्कृति के महत्व को भी समझाया है। इसके बाद, उन्हें विशेष भोजन की प्रसाद के रूप में सर्व किया गया।



Colour week Day:1 RED COLOUR VENUE: LNCT WORLD SCHOOL BHOPAL Colours are the most important part of learning of our little kids of Nursery to KG II  Red Colour is not only is a symbol of freshness and love but also increases attention, desire, courage, power and stimulates brain functioning the most. Every colour has its own story and emotions and we at LNCT WORLD SCHOOL are trying to get best from our kids by doing certain activities which are necessary part of their growth.