Vidyavan Abhiyan Large Tree Plantation 2024 LNCT World School

 “Vidyavan Abhiyan Large Tree Plantation 2024” (एक पेड़ माँ के नाम)
Today, LNCT World School took a significant step towards a greener future with a plantation drive under the inspiring initiative of Vidyavan Abhiyan. Our principal, Mr. Chetanya Saxena, led by example as he joined hands with coordinators, teachers, and enthusiastic students to plant trees on our campus. Together, they not only planted saplings but also nurtured the spirit of environmental stewardship.
As we sow these seeds today, we sow hope for a sustainable tomorrow. Let’s pledge to make our Earth a green planet once again, where every tree planted is a tribute to Mother Nature’s resilience and beauty.

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